
How About Globals Warming And Oil Prices

How About Globals Warming And Oil Prices

What are the Causes of Global warming

It’s a scientifically proven “Fact,” that over the past century, our planet has slowly been warming up. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the average temperature around the world has gradually risen by one degree fharenheit.While this minimal warming might not seem all that significant, the truth is, according to Climatic Specialists all around the globe, the over-all impact will most certainly prove to be devastating if this continual warming process is not somehow ebated. Scientists have been busily searching and studying in order to determine precisely what the primary, “key factors” are behind this progressive “heating up” process. Here’s

Debunking the Myth of Peak Oil - Why the Age of Cheap Oil is Far From Over (Part

If I may, I would like to rebut or add a little objectivity to the flood of “Peak Oil” articles circulating around. When I see another crisis looming in the balance, and dramatized articles that warn of the “Dangers of Peak Oil,” I must question the validity or how this will effect the world, the USA, and you and I personally, and if indeed a crisis is at hand. As for world oil, if you ask the right questions, there are several new technologies/methods/alternatives and new finds that can easily supply enough hydrocarbon fuel for the next century or more. The ...
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10 Geopolitical Predictions for 2010 & Short Term Strategic Outlook

A great - and still growing - divergence appeared in 2009 between public statements by leaders and their public performance. The politicized, romanticized theater of increasingly populist “democratic” leaders and media seemed to be of a different planet from activities taking place in the real world. While a large part of the global population appears still transfixed by words, there is a growing perception that great fissures already rend the global strategic architecture. This is a trend which will compound during 2010. There is a widespread belief that the world has “ducked the strategic bullet” of global economic collapse, but this is merely ...

What is Crude Oil?-A Detailed Explanation on this Essential Fossil Fuel

Crude oil, commonly known as petroleum, is a liquid found within the Earth comprised of hydrocarbons, organic compounds and small amounts of metal. While hydrocarbons are usually the primary component of crude oil, their composition can vary from 50%-97% depending on the type of crude oil and how it is extracted. Organic compounds like nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur typically make-up between 6%-10% of crude oil while metals such as copper, nickel, vanadium and iron account for less than 1% of the total composition. Crude Oil Formation Crude oil is created through the heating and compression of organic materials over a long period ...What is Peak Oil Theory? A Thorough Look at This heavily Debated Topic

Currently there is a lot of debate going on regarding Peak Oil and precisely what we need to be doing about it, both now and in the near future. The term "peak oil" refers to that specific point in time when the Earth's oil supply will finally reach that theoretical "maximum rate" of global petroleum extraction and will then signal the start of a progressive decline, where our thirst for oil will finally exceed our available supply of oil! "Peak Oil Theory" is a concept originally derived from the measured postulates and predictions of M. King Hubbert, who in the What Affects Oil Prices?

Understanding what causes the price of oil to fluctuate can oftentimes be a confusing subject for those outside of the commodities market. There are a number of factors that affect the price of oil in both the U.S. and abroad, understanding the intricacies of oil pricing can help investors better time their investments in this high-demand commodity. OPEC and Global Oil Supply and Demand Oil prices are driven by global changes in supply and demand along with a number of other geopolitical factors. Worldwide oil production is controlled by OPEC – the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, which aims to keep ...

About Oil Price

Oil Price is one of the leading energy news sites online. The site has news and opinion on all fossil fuels covering crude oil, natural gas and coal. 50% of our content is also focused on alternative energy and the environment where we cover solar energy, wind power, and all other clean energy technologies.

The site also contains crude oil price charts and crude oil consumption tables. Our crude oil price charts cover three month periods and our energy tables cover crude oil production and crude oil consumption alongside coal, natural gas, nuclear power and all other major energy sub-sectors.

We are in the process of designing new oil price charts – which will enable visitors to see oil prices for both WTI crude oil and Brent crude oil in more detail.

Oil Price reports can be found on Marketwatch, The Street, Huffington Post, Roubini, USA Today and hundreds of other top news publications...READ MORE

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