
crude oil.gasoline prices today

crude oil.gasoline prices today
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Gas prices reach near-record high; crude oil prices drop, Tuesday
According to Tomorrow's Gas Price Today, in Montreal gas has reached 144.9 cents after a nickel-per-litre increase and 144.1 cents in Vancouver after a 4.6 cents per litre increase.
However, the cost for crude oil dropped this morning, showing that the prices for oil and whole sale gasoline have headed in opposite directions.
"It's actually not necessarily the case that oil and whole sale gasoline trade in lock step with one another. Case and point this morning," 680News senior business editor Mike Eppel said. ...more

Crude Oil, gasoline prices predictions may 9 2011
Like others when they heard the news of dropping oil prices Thursday, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I am very excited. My wallet will appreciate it,” she said.......more

UPDATE 1-Gran Tierra Energy Q1 rises on higher crude oil prices
* Q1 EPS $0.05 vs $0.04 year-ago
* Q1 rev rises 32 pct to $122.5 mln
* Q1 avg production 14,372 bopd
* Raises FY11 capital outlook to $357 mln from $355 mln (Follows alerts)
May 10 (Reuters) - Canadian oil exploration and production company Gran Tierra Energy Inc posted a higher quarterly profit helped by an increase in realized crude oil prices and raised its capital expenditure forecast for 2011. ....more

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